Development projects

Measures for the reduction of energy consumption at the plywood mill of SIA Stiga RM by installing a new roll dryer.
22 December 2021
SIA Stiga RM has successfully completed the implementation of Project No. Measures for the reduction of energy consumption at the plywood mill of SIA Stiga RM by installing a new reel dryer. The implementation of the project has resulted in the installation of a new roll dryer, which will replace the existing inefficient dryer, ensuring energy savings of the previously estimated amount. Total costs of the project: EUR 1 300,000.00 including the planned ERDF support of EUR 390,000.00.

Measures for the reduction of energy consumption at the plywood mill of SIA Stiga RM by installing a new roll dryer.
22 July 2021
On 21 July 2021, SIA Stiga RM and the Central Finance and Contracting Agency signed an agreement regarding Project No. Measures for the reduction of energy consumption at the plywood mill of SIA Stiga RM by installing a new reel dryer and had already started the implementation of project activities. Within the framework of the project a roll dryer will be installed to replace the existing inefficient dryer and a certain amount of energy savings will be ensured. Total costs of the project: EUR 1 300,000.00 including the planned ERDF support of EUR 390,000.00. Implementation of the project is scheduled to be completed by 20 January 2023.

Measures for the reduction of energy consumption at the plywood mill of SIA Stiga RM by installing a new roll dryer.
In 2020, SIA Stiga RM commenced the implementation of Project No. Measures for the reduction of energy consumption at the plywood mill of SIA Stiga RM by installing a new reel dryer. The installation of one new roll dryer to replace the existing one, thus delivering output indicators listed below, is planned within the framework of the project:
- annual energy savings of at least 1,126.10 MWh per year compared to the situation before Project implementation;
- an estimated reduction of at least 7.9 tonnes of greenhouse gas emissions per year compared to the situation before Project implementation.
The Project Application is currently being assessed by the Central Finance and Contracting Agency. The evaluation of the project application is expected to be completed by 31 March 2021. The total Project Costs amount to EUR 1,300,000.00, of which Project Eligible Costs are EUR 1,300,000.00, with the total planned Cohesion Fund support of 30% of the Project Eligible Costs – EUR 390,000.00.
The scheduled duration of the project is until 31 December 2022.

Construction of a new production building to increase the production capacity and export volumes of birch plywood at the mill of SIA Stiga RM.
30 June 2020
On 8 April 2010, the Contract for the Implementation of European Union Fund Project No. was signed between SIA Stiga RM and the Central Finance and Contracting Agency. Within the framework of the project, a new industrial production building with an area of 2,390 m2 was built and landscaping of the area of the birch plywood production complex owned by SIA Stiga RM was performed in Kuldīga, Meistaru iela 1.
The total Project Costs amounted to EUR 1,552,434.04, of which Project Eligible Costs are EUR 1,552,434.04, with the total planned Cohesion Fund support of 45% of the Project Eligible Costs – EUR 698,595.32.

Construction of a new production building to increase the production capacity and export volumes of birch plywood at the mill of SIA Stiga RM.
30 June 2020
On 8 April 2020, the Contract for the Implementation of European Union Fund Project No. was signed between SIA Stiga RM and the Central Finance and Contracting Agency. The construction works of a new industrial production building and landscaping of the area of the birch plywood production complex owned by SIA Stiga RM were completed in Kuldīga, Meistaru iela 1. Commissioning of the facility has been commenced.
The total Project Costs amounted to EUR 1,552,434.04, of which Project Eligible Costs are EUR 1,552,434.04, with the total planned Cohesion Fund support of 45% of the Project Eligible Costs – EUR 698,595.32.

Construction of a new production building to increase the production capacity and export volumes of birch plywood at the mill of SIA Stiga RM.
9 April 2020
On 8 April 2020, the Contract for the Implementation of European Union Fund Project No. was signed between SIA Stiga RM and the Central Finance and Contracting Agency. Within the framework of the project, a new industrial production building with an area of 2,390 m2 was built and landscaping of the area of the birch plywood production complex owned by SIA Stiga RM was performed in Kuldīga, Meistaru iela 1.
The total Project Costs amounted to EUR 1,552,434.04, of which Project Eligible Costs are EUR 1,552,434.04, with the total planned Cohesion Fund support of 45% of the Project Eligible Costs – EUR 698,595.32.

Construction of a new production building to increase the production capacity and export volumes of birch plywood at the mill of SIA Stiga RM.
29 January 2020
On 25 April 2019, the application for project No. Construction of a new production building to increase the production capacity and export volumes of birch plywood at the mill of SIA Stiga RM was submitted. Within the framework of the project, a new industrial production building with the area of 2,390 m2 will be built and landscaping of the area of the birch plywood production complex owned by SIA Stiga RM will be performed in Kuldīga, Meistaru iela 1.
The total Project Costs amounted to EUR 1,552,434.04, of which Project Eligible Costs are EUR 1,552,434.04, with the total planned Cohesion Fund support of 45% of the Project Eligible Costs – EUR 698,595.32.